The international scheme for competency validation and certification of personnel who work in explosive atmospheres.

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About CompEx

  • Industries

    At CompEx, we know that safe working practices are beneficial for all businesses. The CompEx Scheme ensures that best practice in managing explosive atmospheres is implemented and maintained right from the start, which not only keeps workplaces, staff and assets safe, but also reduces risks and costs.

    From food and beverage or manufacturing businesses, to pharmaceutical and chemical production, or traditional power generation sectors such as oil and gas, CompEx offers a wide range of qualifications for a variety of industries which are suitable for those working in hazardous environments

  • Qualifications

    Whether you are starting a career as a newly qualified electrical operative working in a hazardous environment, looking to work in a new type of industry, or you are simply up-skilling and developing your knowledge about hazardous locations, CompEx offer a broad range of qualifications which are essential for improving workplace safety and competency within potentially hazardous environments.

    You can find out more by selecting one of the qualifications below or you can download our qualification documentation, which provides full details about each CompEx unit, including the key learning objectives and course content.

  • IntroEx

    IntroEx is a free to use tool which provides users with an overview of some of the basic principles of explosive atmospheres.

    Taking approximately 20 minutes to complete, the content covers the following elements:

    Check your Ex knowledge with our easy to use awareness tool – IntroEx.  How much do you know about the basic principles of Ex?  Do you know what the risks are?  Do you know the difference between Zone 0 and Zone 2? 

    Access IntroEx